Monday, April 23, 2012

Final Frenzy!

Oh my goodness! It can be so hard to know the best way to study for finals!  It can be so boring and it is hard to focus for very long if I sit and try to study with my textbook and notes in front of me. For some reason I also get hungry when I need to study. I have come up with the perfect recipe for it to be a success!

  • 1 large Pepperoni Pizza
  • Math Textbook and Calculator
  • 1 Bowl of Aggie Blue Mint ice cream
  • Notebook and #2 pencil
  • Green and Purple Skittles

Studying for finals, oh what fun!
Doesn't have to be boring when being in the sun.

After hours of hard work, I need a break.
Maybe some Foosball and a drink for goodness sake!

After months of note taking, reviewing with all my might,
I think it's finally time, for better or worse, to call it a night :)

Catchy poem, huh! Haha, I have found that making the process fun and interesting can go a long way!
I added a video that totally made me laugh! I hope it makes you laugh too :)

I think it would be icing on the cake to celebrate the end of finals week howling in the library of Utah State with fellow aggies :)!

Experiment with different things to figure out your perfect recipe!